Monday, December 23, 2013

Making Room All Year Long...

There is no room!
For my life is so crowded!
There is no room...

Can you not stop and hear His wee cry?
Be still!

We can become so busy, that we do not have room for Jesus!
No time to study and read His word.

No time to just sit still and hear His still small voice!

Have you not learned the value and importance of
Knowing how to choose the best things?

He has given us a banquet table filled with an array 
Of choice things.
We so often will follow the crowds instead of
Seeking the Glory cloud!

I have to make room for The King daily!
I have to make room for my Hubby daily!
I have to make room for family daily!
Do you not see the grief and fear on the young woman's face?
Can you not hear the hungry cry of your own soul?

If you will but stop and learn to pray and ask 
For His Wisdom!
I do not want to be crowded out by the Busy Stuff!
Today or tomorrow, or Holidays!
I want to choose the best thing...

Did you know how this year would be filled
with all the challenges you have been through?
Did you not awake afresh to be His utmost for His highest?
How many times??
It is a daily thing Dear Ones!

Make Room!
Remember wise men still seek Him!



  1. I remember our youth choir used to sing "Have You Any Room for Jesus? Throw your heart's door widely open. Bid Him enter while you may"

  2. Oh my what a blessed way to start the week! You know God knew "I" needed these words today!
    Yes, time for "HIM"....
    thank you.
    P.S. We are going to link this today, perhaps there in another who needs to take a moment and think about her time 'today'!

  3. Great post! I must admit, I find myself making room for Jesus while hiding out in my bathroom! Sometimes, if I'm real quiet, the boys don't know where I am and I just sit on my little stool and pray and chat with Jesus. It makes my whole attitude change and my day a little brighter.

    We all need to make room for the King, because without him it would seems to feel bitter and cold and of no hope and joy. I am so glad to be a daughter of the King!

    Love it!



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